With less daylight hours to enjoy fresh air, peak cold and flu season, and the increased exposure to germs during the school year, it can seem like the odds are loaded against you. There are steps you can take to assist your children stay as healthy as possible through the winter.

Incorporate immune boosting food and drinks

Your most instinct sense might be to get an orange, yet an orange daily might become old quickly. Switch things up with other citrus fruits that are packed with vitamin C like grapefruit, kumquat, lemon or lime. Different foods with immune boosting properties include garlic, ginger, spinach and red bell peppers-which have two times as much vitamin C as citrus. Try to add some warm tea with lemon and honey to your child’s bed time routine not only will it benefit his or her immune system yet additionally assist them in relaxing with more soothing night sleep. For more information, get consulted by Dr. Lavanya Mannem, the children doctor in Guntur.

Enforce bedtime

Discussing about sleep, one of the best ways to help keep your kids healthy this winter is to ensure they are getting the proper amount of sleep. Being well-rested will assist their body fight off the viruses they might be exposed throughout the day.

Visit child allergy specialist in Guntur

Practice effective handwashing

Train your children to wash their hands when they are dirty, prior to eating or touching food, subsequent to utilizing the restroom, after blowing their nose, after contacting pets, subsequent to playing outside, and when visiting a sick friend or relative. Warm or cold water is okay, yet consistently use soap. Ensure they won’t forget both sides of their hands, between their fingers, around the fingernails and up to the wrists. An effective method for ensuring kids wash their hands long enough to successfully kill germs is to make them sing the "Happy Birthday" song.

Limit sugar

In addition to its other adverse consequences, sugar is proven to suppress the immune system by decreasing your child’s white blood cells capacity to battle bacteria, restricting sugar intake is a proven method for helping to keep your children healthy.

Change their clothes

Make a habit of having your kids change out of their school clothes when they return home, and leave their shoes at the door. The average person sheds 37 million microorganisms each hour when they have garments on, every one of which can survive on clothing for various amounts of time. Changing clothes and not wearing shoes in the house are simple ways of preventing to track germs into your home.

Stay up-to-date on vaccinations

Vaccinations are a significant part of protecting a kid's health by working with their body's body’s natural defenses to foster immunities to different diseases. To assist with keeping your kid healthy this winter, adhere to the recommended immunization guidelines for kids including annual flu shots. This should be done during your kid’s regular well visit with their best pediatrician in Guntur.

To schedule a routine wellness exam or sick visit for your child, call (+91) 9963902666 at children hospitals in Guntur

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